Attach banana plug to wire install#
Unwind them, then use your wire stripper to take off about 0.75 inches of the red and black covering from each.Step 3With the actual wiring now freely exposed, you will be able to install the banana plugs. You also have to be quite accurate at stripping the wire or risk leaving too much bare wire sticking out the side. You could use banana plugs, which allow you to plug the wire into the end of each connector without the hassle of having to unscrew the binding posts. The wire is then clamped by roughly half of the screw in section. VCELINK banana plugs for speakers are easy to connect speaker cables to your speakers/receiver, making installation simple. The wire jacket should obscure two different wires, one red and one black. To achieve this you have to start folding before the plug is barely assembled. Strip away about two inches of the wire jacket from the end of your wiring.

Determine exactly how much wire you need for your installation, and then cut the rest.Step 2You’ll also have to strip the cable after you cut it, to expose some of the wiring and make it possible to install the banana plugs. This is because people choose to install their speakers in lots of different ways, whether by mounting them on a wall or just setting them on a bookshelf, In most cases, though, you’ll have so much leftover wire that it will just contribute to the messy tangle of cords behind your entertainment center.

Push your wire through the bottom half of the plug. Strip your speaker wire and unscrew the banana plugs. When you buy speakers, you’re generally given a lot more wire than you need. How do you wire a banana plug with a closed screw Closed Screw Banana Plug Installation. MX 1542 4mm BANANA PLUG stackable from side BINDING POST for SPEAKER CABLE Wire Connector (Gold, Red, Black, Pack of 2) Installation Type. Apply pressure until you feel the wire hit the front of the plug. Unscrew the bottoms of the plugs, then feed the corresponding color wire into each plug. Only larger-guage wire is wide enough in diameter to assure that the spike will in fact insert into the center of the wire and contact the metal wire securely. That is because they rely on a pointed spike that must insert into the unstripped center of the wire to make the connection. Each of your banana plugs should be color coded: one black and one red. These are for large-guage speaker wire (12-14). Step 1Using wire cutters, trim your speaker wire. With the actual wiring now freely exposed, you will be able to install the banana plugs.